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Anna Laser Hair Removal

Athens Laser Hair Removal offers our Anna, Texas, clients the best laser hair removal experience in the area, with top-rated, 5-star Medspa services. We provide the best packages at the best prices for hair removal, just 20 minutes north on Hwy 75 off Stacy Rd. The Village at Allen and Fairview is a great place to spend your lunch hour or a special evening. Call us today at 972-468-9779. When thinking Anna Laser Hair Removal, think Athens!

Anna Laser Hair Removal at the right price for men is hard to find. Athens offers huge savings on Men’s Laser Hair Removal packages all year. Men’s Back Laser Hair Removal is very popular and also Men’s Chest Laser Hair Removal.

There are many hair removal treatments and locations to choose from. You can check out Groupon deals in the Anna area. They offer competitive prices for their treatments. They usually have small, medium, or large areas that include 6 treatments.  A few things to think about when purchasing a Groupon deal for Laser Hair Removal in Anna Texas.

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Hair Removal Expertise

  • Number of Groupon deals sold. Each deal sold equals 6 visits to the laser center. Count how many deals are sold, say for example there were 1000 packages sold. That equals 6000 treatments over 48 weeks. That’s about 25 new clients per day for that time period.
  • Just imagine the scheduling challenges and the extra staff required to handle more clients. The larger laser centers could handle a clientele increase but I’d be concerned with the small laser centers; can they really handle that many clients?  Make sure and do your homework.
  • The length of time the offer is good for. Remember each treatment should be spaced out from 6-8 weeks apart. If they recommend anything outside of those time parameters then you will miss the hair growth cycle. Make sure the treatments don’t have to be completed in a shorter period of time.
  • Types of Lasers used. Make sure the lasers are not IPL.  The IPL is a great laser but not the best of Laser Hair Removal. Results may vary as some people have had great results but most results are poor at best.
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The True Lasers

The Nd: Yag is capable of treating all six skin colors, although its best on the darker skin types and is very successful. The Alexandrite laser has a shorter wavelength system 755 nm, and in my opinion the best for clients with lighter skin and darker hair. My clients have been so satisfied with their results.

Please contact us to arrange a FREE consultation to discuss your Laser Hair Removal Treatment plan that suits your needs.

Preparation before Laser Hair Removal treatment?Unlike waxing, there is no need for long hair. Hair must be short for your laser treatment. Shave or trim the hair before your treatment. Shorter hair ensures the treatment is more comfortable for you and allows the laser energy to travel down to the follicle faster. Avoid sun exposure on the area for 2 to 3 weeks before treatment, and 1 to 2 weeks after treatment.

What happens during the actual treatment?You will be shown to a private laser hair removal treatment room and allowed time to undress to allow access to the body area being treated. After allowing time to undress (if necessary for treatment), your Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional (CLHRP) will return knocking on the door before entering.

The CLHRP will always explain what is happening and what they are going to do during your laser hair removal procedure. Together with your CLHRP, you will wear safety glasses to protect your eyes during the procedure. The CLHRP will use a small handpiece that touches your skin to deliver the laser pulse.

You will feel the cool air on your skin throughout the laser treatment session. Lasers work by delivering an intense beam of light that is absorbed by the skin. This light is converted to heat and is absorbed by the cells being targeted while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected.

It is important to understand that hair in the active growth phase is most affected by treatments as the hair contains optimum levels of melanin, which is directly targeted by the laser.

The laser does not break the skin; there are no needles or blood. At Athens Laser Hair Removal, the Cynosure Elite laser machines have a cooling device. This cools the skin by blowing cold air onto the skin to cool it, making the treatment more comfortable. Clients have compared the feeling to an elastic band snapping against the skin but patients’ individual pain thresholds can vary.

What about post-treatment care?Before
In general, avoid sun exposure on the area for 2 to 3 weeks before a Laser hair removal procedure, and again 1 to 2 weeks after the treatment. We recommend applying Sunscreen with at least 15+ SPF before even casual exposure to the sun. Be very aware of your skin in the sun after your laser hair removal treatment, your skin is sun sensitive, and be careful not to expose the area to the direct sun.

Your hair can take up to 2 weeks to fall out. It may fall out up to the 14th day after the treatment. Exfoliate the treated area 3 days after the treatment to help the falling out process. Firmly rub over the body area treated while showering. This assists the hairs to fall out.

Once your laser hair removal treatments have started, forcing the hair from the follicle will reverse the effect of the treatment. Therefore, waxing, plucking, and other similar treatments are not recommended. However, you may shave, trim, and use depilatory creams or clippers between treatments if needed.

Your CLHRP at Athens Laser Hair Removal will explain the requirements to you before your first treatment. Call us at 972-468-9779 or 855-293-4247 to arrange a FREE consultation to discuss a treatment plan that suits your needs.

Will my hair ever grow back?The short answer is no. Once the hair follicle is damaged, it cannot grow new hair. However, there are invariably a few hair follicles that manage to partially escape the laser during each treatment. Some of these follicles may be only stunned and will need to be retreated.

How do I know it won’t hurt?Most people find Laser Treatments comfortable. While pain tolerance is subjective, many patients often describe the sensation as soothing as a “hot stone massage.” If you find it otherwise, talk with your Laser Hair Professional.

How much does it cost?Compared with a lifetime of shaving, waxing, or plucking, Laser treatments can be a worthwhile investment in both time and money savings. Fees are based on the treatment area and how many sessions you may need. We offer a complimentary consultation to determine if you are a good candidate. Also, we always get questions like how much is Milan Laser Hair Removal, and we tell them get a quote and compare for yourself!

Medspa Services

IPL Photofacial BBL

Get radiant skin with our medspa IPL Photofacial at Athens Laser Hair Removal! Book today for a glowing complexion.


Rejuvenate your skin with medspa microneedling at Athens Laser Hair Removal. Boost collagen and reduce scars!

Skin Tightening

Tighten your skin with our medspa SkinTyte treatment at Athens Laser Hair Removal. Book now!

VI Peels

Brighten your skin with medspa VI Peels at Athens Laser Hair Removal. Schedule today!"

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190 E. Stacy Rd. Suite 1724

Allen Texas 75002

Care Credit

Athens Laser Hair Removal & Med Spa Proudly serving the greater North Dallas including Allen, Dallas, Richardson, Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Anna Sherman.

Located within the Madison Avenue Salon & Suites, just 20 minutes north of Dallas!

Since 2010, Athens Laser Hair Removal has proudly served the Village of Allen. As a local, small business, we prioritize personalized care and offer clear, upfront pricing—no surprises, just effective results. Supporting a local provider means choosing quality service from a team that genuinely cares about your experience.

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