New Year Resolutions! Bah- Humbug! I’ve never been too good at keeping “Resolutions”, so, this year I have decided not to make any. Instead, I’ve decided to focus on de-cluttering my world and simplifying things, be it at home or within myself. De-cluttering & simplifying can take time and like many of you, “Time” is always at the forefront of the reason why we can’t get things done! Most of us tend to procrastinate on the things we don’t enjoy doing, like shaving! This is one thing I no longer have to do, so I have plenty of spare time to get more accomplished instead of wasting precious time in the shower.
Summer is knocking on the door; I want to encourage you all to be ready to answer that door with smooth hair free legs! Just think of all the time you spend shaving just to get a “smooth” leg only to discover that the “smoothness” only lasts a matter of hours! I used to call myself the “Five O’Clock Shadow Girl”! I could shave in the morning and then have to shave again that evening if I wanted smooth legs! So, think about how long it takes you to shave your whole legs…probably about 20 minutes, maybe a bit more depending on how coarse and dark your hair is and if you cut yourself or get razor bumps! UGH! Who has that kind of time to dedicate daily? Let’s be honest girls, and guys listen too because it’s a lot of work for us girls! Ladies, you probably forego having smooth legs until you think you may have to show them off in public or that your significant other might want to get a little closer to you. Here in Texas, it’s Summer for a long time, which means lots of bare-leg time for all to see…or feel!

This year give yourself the Gift of Time and money, as we all know how pricy razors are! I love not shaving and it is one less thing I think about. The most popular areas to have laser hair removal done are the bikini area, legs, and underarms. Of course, we can laser almost anywhere you have hair. So, say goodbye to razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and razor rash!
Athens has a unique Dual Laser System that allows us to safely and effectively treat all skin types. I invite you to take a look at our website this month; we are offering a wonderful Special on our Legs Package and a few additional specials on other areas as well for the month of January.
Join me in “De-Cluttering” and give yourself the Gift of Time!
“Say Yes” to being Hair Free in 2023!
Shanon Farrell